Travel Reference
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Stanley said yes, which meant he was opening himself up to all kinds of
problems. I believe Carl Andre paid for the room—the full daily price as a hotel
room, which is high. He paid for it without telling anybody. It was a private act
of friendship and charity. So we were able to get Julian Pretto into the Chelsea
forhisfinaldays,thefinaldaysofsomeonewhohadalready livedninelivesand
knew the importance of the Chelsea.
TV shows. It was kind of a sad final destination, one of these crappy Chelsea
rooms, totally depressing and overpriced. Nonetheless, it was a safe haven.
I remember Andre went down to the Capitol Fish & Tackle 92 store below the
Chelsea and bought this funny little piece of tackle. It was a metal box that had
these regularly spaced perforations in it, and it was so true as a Carl Andre. It
was like a ready-made Carl Andre that he gave to Pretto, like, “This is a Carl
Andre because I say it is.” And yet it was something he bought down at the fish-
ing store!
We had a party after my opening at Stark Gallery, and Pretto appeared in
a wheelchair at the party. He was this hollow-cheeked specter—he looked like
Dorian Gray.
People were saying, “Oh my God! Is that Julian Pretto?” because everyone
had known him as this beautiful, youthful, charismatic guy.
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