Travel Reference
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Stanley Bard not only preserved his father's business, but expanded the artist-friendly
policy. Turning a profit was significant, but producing art and nurturing artists became the
hotel's raison d'etre.
We'd had a few artists at the hotel. I tried to capitalize on those few, and I also
happened to know a lot of artists who weren't living here yet. I befriended these
artists, and drew them to the hotel. A lot of them were global, internationally
As a result, the Chelsea became famous worldwide for its hospitality to artists and for
providingasafehaveninwhichtoliveandwork.Bard'smanagement stylewasunconven-
long-term. For example, out of his genuine love for art and artists, he often let them move
in on a dime.
you to slide for a while with your rent, because if you came up with a big paint-
ing and you sold it, Stanley would expect a piece of that money. A lot of people
paid their rent that way.
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