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Arguments with a specific meaning in CATPCAbipl
Xcat Required argument. An n × p data matrix where each
column represents a categorical variable, e.g.
Table 8.1.
factor.type p -vector with elements either "nom" or "ord"
specifying whether categorical variable is nominal
or ordinal. If factor.type is specified as "ord"
then it is assumed that the levels are ordered as 1,
2, 3, ... and that the corresponding column of Xcat
has been specified to be ordered.
drawbagplots NULL or character vector specifying the groups for
which α -bags are to be drawn.
calibration.pch Integer specifying plotting symbol for CLPs. Defaults
to 16.
calibration.col Colour to use for CLPs.
calibration.size Size of plotting symbols representing the CLPs.
Defaults to 1.
calibration.label.col Colour to use for CLP label.
calibration.label.offset Used together with arguments
calibration.label.pos to optimize placement
of CLP labels. A numerical value controlling the
offset from the position specified by
calibration.label.pos . Default is no offset.
Character vector defining the groups.
Vector of same size as class.vec specifying the
colour of the bag drawn for each class.
Vector of same size as class.vec specifying the
plotting character to be used when a convex hull is
to be drawn.
An integer value controlling placement of a CLP
label: 1 = below, 2 = to left, 3 = above and 4 =
to right of specified coordinates.
Numerical value specifying size of a CLP label.
Defaults to 1.
Convergence criterion in quantifications step (8.18).
Defaults to 0.000001.
Determines the y-coordinates of a grid overlaying the
biplot space. Defualts to 0.05.
Logical TRUE or FALSE for specifying if sample
points are to be labelled. Default is FALSE.
Vector of same size as class.vec specifying the
line type to be used in drawing the bag for
each class.
Controlling colouring of CLPs associated with
nominal categories.
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