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The output of ca.predictions.mat is a matrix of similar size than Pmat containing
the row profile predictions.
If the input of ca.predictions.mat is not in the form of a correspondence matrix
but instead a matrix with nonnegative elements, the relationship between the output of
ca.predictions.mat and the output of the function cabipl can be determined from
the following examples:
ca.predictions.mat(Pmat, e.vects = 1:2) outputs the same predictions
as cabipl with e.vects = 1 ;
ca.predictions.mat(Pmat, e.vects = 1:3) outputs the same predictions
as cabipl with e.vects = 1:2 ;
ca.predictions.mat(Pmat, e.vects = 1:4) outputs the same predictions
as cabipl with e.vects = 1:3 ;
ca.predictions.mat(Pmat, e.vects = c(1, 2, 4)) outputs
predictions as cabipl with e.vects = c(1,3) .
7.5.4 Functions indicatormat , construct.df ,
The functions indicatormat , construct.df and Chisq.dist are useful when per-
forming a CA.
The function indicatormat calculates the indicator matrix associated with a two-
way table of frequencies. It takes only the one argument, table , a two-way table of
frequencies in the form of a p
q matrix. The output of indicatormat is the indicator
matrix associated with the input p
q matrix of frequencies. This function must not be
confused with the function indmat that returns the indicator matrix associated with its
argument, a grouping vector.
The function construct.df is useful when a data set is in a similar form to our data
set , that is, a list of matrices each representing a contingency table.
Given such a data set as its argument, construct.df extracts any required element of
the list in the form of a dataframe. It takes the following arguments:
A list with elements forming a complete data set.
Elements of the list to extract in the form of dataframes.
The output of construct.df is a dataframe corresponding to a specified element of a
list containing an entire data set.
The function Chisq.dist calculates the chi-squared distances as well as ordi-
nary Euclidean distances between the rows of a matrix. It takes as its only argument
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