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Arguments with a specific meaning in cabipl
Required argument. A two-way contingency table in
the form of a matrix with p rows and q columns.
Optional argument specifying t new points to be
interpolated into the biplot. Must be in the form of
a matrix with t rows and q columns or, if t =
1, a
q -component vector.
ca.variant One of "PearsonResA" , "PearsonResB" ,
"IndepDev" , "ConRatioA" , "ConRatioB" ,
"Chisq2A" , "Chisq2B" , "Corr" , "RowProfA" ,
"RowProfB" , "PCA" . Defaults to
"PearsonResA" .
axis.col Digits or character values for specifying col
parameter for printing biplot axes. Defaults to
"red" . Vector input allows for different colours
for the various biplot axes.
col.points.col Specifies col parameter controlling the colour of
character for printing column points. Default is
"red" .
col.points.size Specifies cex parameter controlling the size of
character for printing column points. Defaults
to 1.
col.points.label.size Specifies cex parameter controlling the size of
printing the labels of column points. Defaults to
col.points.text Logical TRUE or FALSE for turning on or off
printing of the labels of column points.
ConRatioMinOne Logical TRUE or FALSE for displaying contingency
ratio (FALSE, the default) or contingency ratio
minus one.
lambda Logical TRUE or FALSE. If FALSE, lambda is taken
as 1. Lambda controls stretching or shrinking of
column and row distances. Default is FALSE.
logCRat Logical TRUE or FALSE for specifying whether the
biplot axes of contingency ratio approximation CA
biplot must be calibrated on a log scale or not.
Default is FALSE.
marker.col Specifies the col argument for controlling the colour
of markers on biplot axes.
pch.row.points Plotting character for plotting of row points. Default
is 16.
pch.col.points Plotting character for plotting of column points.
Default is 15.
PearsonRes.scaled.markers Logical TRUE or FALSE. Default is FALSE,
suppressing multiplication by sqrt(sum of elements
of X ).
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