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Figure 5.23
Back-projection prediction biplot axis for the original variable Y .
A number of arguments are specific to Nonlinbipl and need special consideration.
The distance function for calculating the D matrix. In the current
implementation, one of "Pythagoras" , "Clark" or
"SqrtL1" . Can easily be extended to any qualifying distance
metric, as described below. Default is "Pythagoras" .
Default is 25. A larger value (100 or 200) results in better-looking
nonlinear biplot axes, but slows down the construction when
prediction.type = "normal" is chosen.
One of "circle" , "normal" or "back" . Default is "circle" .
Scaling factor incorporated in graphical interpolation. Default is
FALSE. See discussion below.
If set to TRUE when dist = "Pythagoras" ,sample
predictions are obtained as with PCAbipl . Should be set to
FALSE for all other distance metrics.
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