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Defaults to 0.05. Determines the x -coordinates of a grid
overlaying the biplot space.
Defaults to 0.05. Determines the y -coordinates of a grid
overlaying the biplot space.
Defaults to 16. Plotting symbol for labelling a grid point.
Defaults to 0.05. Size of plotting symbol for labelling a
grid point.
A k -vector specifying the colouring of each grid point
according to the canonical mean with the shortest
distance to it, where k denotes the number of canonical
4.7.6 Function CVA.predictivities
This is a function for calculating the various measures of fit discussed in Section 4.6. It has
the five arguments discussed above for CVAbipl : X , G , weightedCVA ,
and . The various measures of fit are provided for dimensions 1, 2, ... , p ,
and the output (value) of CVA.predictivities is a list with the following named
OverAllMeans Means of the original data matrix.
XBar.groups Group means of the uncentred data matrix.
XcentBar.groups Group means of the column-centred data
matrix. Canonical group means.
CVA.quality.canvar Overall quality with respect to the
canonical variables (4.16).
CVA.quality.origvar Overall quality with respect to the original
variables (4.17).
Axis.Adequacies Adequacies associated with the variables
(biplot axes) defined in (4.18).
Axis.Predictivities Predictivities associated with the original
variables (biplot axes) defined in (4.19).
Class.Predictivities The predictivities for each group
calculated according to (4.20).
WithinGroup.axis.Predictivities The within-group axis predictivity for
each variable (column) of ( I - H ) X ,
calculated according to (4.22).
WithinGroup.Sample.Predictivities The within-group sample predictivities
calculated according to (4.23).
The within-group sample predictivities for
new samples calculated according to
Section 4.6.1.
Axis predictivities for new variables
calculated according to (4.26).
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