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3.7.5 Function PCA.predictivities
A function for calculating the various measures of fit discussed in this chapter for
PCA biplots. It has the four arguments, discussed in Section 3.7.1 for PCAbipl : X , = NULL , = NULL ,and scaled.mat = FALSE .Itis
assumed that X is an n × p data matrix with p not larger than n .Bydefault X is centred
but not scaled.
The various measures of fit are provided for dimensions 1, 2, ... , p and the output
(value) of PCA.predictivities is a list with the following components.
Overall quality of the display calculated
according to (3.17).
The weights calculated according to (3.21).
Sample predictivities for original n samples
as defined in (3.20).
Adequacies calculated according to (3.18).
Axes predictivities for original p variables as
defined in (3.19).
Sample predictivities for new samples as
defined in (3.22).
Axes predictivities for new variables as
defined in (3.28).
Axes predictivities for new variables as
defined in (3.29).
3.7.6 Function PCA.predictions.mat
The function PCA.predictions.mat takes the three arguments: X , scaled.mat =
FALSE and e.vects = 1:2 as described in Section 3.7.1. Input scale(X) to obtain
predictions for the X -values centred to zero means and unit variances; X and scaled.mat
= FALSE to obtained predictions for the unscaled X -values; or X and scaled.mat =
TRUE to obtain predictions for the scaled values that are transformed into the origi-
nal scales of measurement. Predictions can be obtained in any dimension by a proper
specification of argument e.vects .
3.7.7 Function vector.sum.interp
A function call to vector.sum.interp results in interpolating a new sample into a
PCA biplot as described in Section 3.2.2. The following arguments are available: ver-
tex.points = 3 , p = vertex.points , pch.centroid = 15 , col.centroid =
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