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Character string to provide a title for a one- or
two-dimensional biplot. Default is "" .
Character string to provide a title for a three-dimensional
biplot. Defaults to c(" ", " ", "x", "y", "z") .
Logical value requesting or suppressing Tukey medians to be
added to a biplot. Default
Optional arguments passed to the plot function controlling the
appearance of the biplot.
Matrix with each row containing the details of the point to be
A list with each component a matrix containing the details of a
biplot axis to be plotted.
Matrix consisting of the eigenvectors as columns.
Vectors used for the biplot scaffolding.
All the eigenvalues.
The overall quality of the display.
Adequacies associated with the variables.
The axis predictivities.
Predictions of the means or of the samples as specified.
Scaffolding coordinates of the origin.
3.7.2 Function PCAbipl.zoom
This is a function for zooming into an interactively selected area of a one- or two-
dimensional PCA biplot. In addition to the arguments of PCAbipl , this function has the
argument zoomval for controlling the amount of zooming. Specify zoomval = NULL
for no zooming, a value less than unity for zooming in and a value larger than unity for
zooming out. When PCAbipl.zoom is called, a graph window with the original PCA
biplot is opened. The cursor, when moved over the biplot, changes to a cross. Position
the cross at the bottom left-hand corner of that part of the biplot in need of zooming and
select. A second graph window is opened with the zoomed biplot.
3.7.3 Function PCAbipl.density
This is a function for constructing two-dimensional PCA biplots on top of a density plot
of a two-dimensional PCA approximation of the input matrix. The R function kde2d
described by Venables and Ripley (2002) and available in package MASS is used to
perform two-dimensional kernel density estimation with an axis-aligned bivariate normal
kernel, evaluated on a square grid. PCAbipl.density has the following arguments not
found in PCAbipl :
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