Information Technology Reference
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predictions.mean Integer-valued vector specifying which group means are to be
predicted from the prediction axes on a one- or
two-dimensional biplot. Default is NULL.
predictions.sample Integer-valued vector specifying which samples are to be
predicted from the prediction axes on a one- or
two-dimensional biplot. Default is NULL.
predictivity.print Logical value requesting or suppressing the individual axis
predictivities to be added in brackets to the title of the
biplot axis. Default is FALSE.
Logical value requesting or suppressing overall PCA quality to
be printed in the legend to the biplot. Default is FALSE.
Defaults to FALSE. Possible values are "x" for reflection
about x-axis or "y" for reflection about y-axis.
Default is 0. Positive value results in anti-clockwise rotation
and negative value in clockwise rotation.
Allows interactive selection of the position of the origin using
the mouse. Defaults to FALSE.
Used together with arguments offset.m and pos.m to
optimize placement of labels (markers) of calibrations on
biplot axes. A p -component vector with possible values
"left" or "right" (the default) controlling on which side
of a biplot axis the markers are placed.
Numeric value specifying width of three-dimensional biplot
axes. Defaults to 0.5.
Numeric value specifying size of plotting character for group
means in a three-dimensional biplot. Defaults to 10.
Numeric value specifying size of plotting character for sample
points in a three-dimensional biplot. Defaults to 5.
Integer-valued or character vector with the index numbers or
names of those groups for which α -bags are to be drawn on
the biplot. Default of NULL specifies no α -bags to be
Integer-valued or character vector with the index numbers or
names of those groups whose samples are to be drawn on
the biplot. Default specifies all groups to be shown.
Integer-valued or character vector with the index numbers or
names of those groups for which κ -ellipses are to be drawn
on the biplot. Default of NULL specifies no κ -ellipses to be
Allows the user to specify a rotation resulting in the specified
axis appearing horizontal in a two-dimensional biplot.
Default is NULL. Other admissible specifications are integer
value, character name of axis (variable) or “ maxpred
requesting the biplot to be rotated such that the biplot axis
with the highest axis predictivity is in a horizontal position.
Numeric value specifying distance between block elements in
a legend to a biplot. Default is 1.
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