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Three-component logical vector specifying the type of legend to
construct: group mean plotting character; sample plotting
character; line type of
-bag or convex hull. Legend appears in
a separate graph window. If no legend is needed,
legend.type = c(means = FALSE, samples = FALSE,
bags = FALSE) is used. This is the default for PCA biplots.
A numeric vector consisting of two components: the first
component determines the length of the tick marks on all
biplot axes; the second component determines the distance of
the scale marker to the tick mark. The default is c(1,1) .
Numeric value determining the length of line used in legend for
α -bag or convex hull. Default is 2.6.
Integer-valued vector specifying line type for constructing
α -bags. Default is 1, requesting a solid line.
Numeric value specifying line width for constructing α -bags.
Default is 1.
Logical value regulating display of the markers associated with
the tick marks on the biplot axes. If TRUE, all markers are
displayed; if FALSE, only the markers of the two extreme tick
marks on each biplot axis are displayed. Default is TRUE.
Numeric value regulating the size of the markers associated with
the tick marks on the biplot axes. Default is 0.6.
Integer value. If the number of samples in a group is more than
max.num a random sample of size max.num is selected for
constructing an
-bag. Default value is 2500.
Logical value regulating if group means are displayed. Defaults
to FALSE for a PCA biplot.
Integer-valued vector of size equal to the number of biplot axes
to control the number of tickmarks on each individual biplot
axis. Default is 5 for each axis.
Only used with ax.type = "interpolative" . Default is
NULL. Otherwise a vector of p elements specifying the values
of each variable at the point of concurrency of the biplot axes.
A four-component numeric vector controlling the distance a
biplot axis title is printed from the side of the figure. Sides are
numbered 1 to 4 according to R conventions clockwise starting
from the bottom horizontal side. Default is rep(0,4) .
Used together with arguments pos.m and side.label to
optimize placement of labels of calibrations on biplot axes. A
p -component numeric vector controlling the offset from the
position specified by pos.m and side.label for each axis.
Two-component vector specifying the type and colour of the line
used for predicting values for samples or means from biplot
prediction axes. Default is a solid black line.
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