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Logical value requesting or suppressing the adequacies of the
individual axes to be printed in brackets after the titles of
the respective biplot axes. Defaults to FALSE.
Numerical value between zero and one indicating the size of
α -bags. Defaults to 0.95.
The alpha parameter associated with a plot made by the R
package rgl . Regulates transparency of plane added to a
three-dimensional biplot. Defaults to 0.1.
Aspect ratio for three-dimensional plot as required by the R
package rgl . Defaults to "iso" .
Specify colour of biplot axes in three-dimensional biplots.
Defaults to "black" .
Integer-valued vector specifying which biplot axes are shown
in a biplot. By default all p biplot axes are shown.
Vector of size p specifying colours of labels of biplot axes.
Defaults to "black" for all axis labels.
Size of label of biplot axis. Defaults to 0.75.
One of "interpolative" or "predictive" specifying the
type of biplot axes. Defaults to "predictive" .
A list with three components specifying the colour for each of
the biplot axes; the colours of the tick marks on each biplot
axis and the colour of the markers associated with the tick
marks. Default is "grey" for all axes, "grey" for all tick
marks and "black" for all the markers.
Formatting legend: distance between legend components.
Defaults to c(1, -1, 0, 1) .
Formatting legend: distance between columns when
"columns" argument is 2 or more. Default is 1.
Three-dimensional biplots: specifies size of labels of
three-dimensional biplot axes. Defaults to 0.6.
Formatting legend: numeric vector of size 2 for controlling the
size of plotting symbol (the first element) and the size of its
legend (the second element) for individual samples in the
legend to the biplot. Default is c(1.2, 0.7) .
Integer value. If the number of samples in a group is less than
or equal to c.hull.n , a convex hull is constructed for that
group instead of an α -bag. Default value is 10.
User-defined colour scheme to use. Default is NULL. If a
vector of specified colour (character) names is specified, the
argument colours must be an integer specifying the number
of colours to be interpolated between the names provided in
colour.scheme .
If colour.scheme is not NULL then colours is an integer
value. If colour.scheme is NULL then colours is a
vector of colour names or integer values specifying the
colours to be used in the biplot. Default is c(1:8, 3:1) .
Vector-valued colour specification to be used in the legend for
the means.
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