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compiler might be able to avoid some of the autoboxing and unboxing operations,
but in general looping operations should be done with primitive types unless there
is a very good reason to use a wrapper type.
Where autoboxing and unboxing should be used is whenever an explicit con-
version to or from a wrapper type would be required if you were using J2SE 1.4.
In 5.0 and above, just write the code “naturally” and let the compiler handle
the conversions automatically. But don't go out of your way to demonstrate the
automatic conversion feature as we did in the examples above.
Autoboxing and unboxing also work with Boolean and boolean types. For
boolean one = true; // nothing new here
Boolean two = true; // autoboxing of boolean literal " true "
// to Boolean type
if (one && two)
// auto unboxing
do - something ();
Before 5.0, the if , while , and do-while statements (see Chapter 2) all
expected boolean expressions. Through the use of unboxing, those flow control
statements now also accept expressions that evaluate to Boolean types. Simi-
larly, the old switch statement expects a byte , short , int ,or char type in
Java 1.4 and below. With the addition of autoboxing in 5.0, switch now also
accepts Byte , Short , Integer , and Character types.
Where autoboxing and unboxing become particularly useful is with the inser-
tion and retrieval of primitive values into and out of object containers like Vector
and ArrayList (see Chapter 10). Since the container classes only accept
objects, not primitives, prior to J2SE 5.0 it was necessary to convert primi-
tives to wrapper object types for insertion and to convert wrapper objects back
to primitives after retrieval. Autoboxing and unboxing now make these opera-
tions almost transparent. With the additional new “generics” feature in 5.0, using
primitives with container objects is even simpler. We postpone that discussion
until we discuss the generics feature in Chapter 10.
3.7.3 Autoboxing and overloading
Autoboxing and unboxing can make method overloading interesting. Consider
the two overloaded methods shown here:
long method1 (long l) {return l+1;}
long method1 (Integer i) {return i+2;}
If you call method1() with a primitive long parameter, then the first
method1() is used. If you call method1() with an Integer object parameter,
then the second method1() is used. There is nothing new there. But what hap-
pens if you call method1() with an int parameter? In J2SE 1.4 and below, the
int is promoted to a long and the first method1() is used. With autoboxing, it
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