Java Reference
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This is actually just one of several println() methods in the PrintStream
class (we discuss Java I/O and stream classes in chapter 9). The variable
named System.out references an instance of the PrintStream class. You
can take advantage of the other overloaded versions of println() ,which
println () <- prints out just a line separator
println (boolean)
println (char)
println (char[])
println (double)
println (float)
println (int)
println (long)
println (java.lang.Object) - invokes the toString() method
of the object
In general, any change to the type or number of parameters is legal overload-
ing. Note, however, that a change in the return type alone does not produce an
overloaded method. The compiler does not permit the following:
void aMethod (int k) {...}
int aMethod (int k) {...}
because only the return type was changed. Neither does changing the parameter
names produce an overloaded method. For example,
void aMethod (int x, int y, int z) { ... }
void aMethod (int i, int j, int k) { ... }
is not legal. Only the parameter types are examined, not the names.
3.3.4 Constructors
The new operator creates an instance of a class as in
int i = 4;
Test test = new Test (i);
The statement declares a variable named test of the Test type and creates an
instance of the Test class with the new operator. The argument of new must
correspond to a special method in the class called a constructor.
The constructor looks much like a regular method in that it has an access
modifier and name and holds a list of parameters in parentheses. However, a
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