Java Reference
In-Depth Information
static void getPorts () {
// First get the list of ports on this platform
Enumeration port - list =
CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifiers ();
// Scan through the list and get the serial ports
while (port - list.hasMoreElements ()) {
CommPortIdentifier port - id = (CommPortIdentifier)
port - list.nextElement ();
if (port - id.getPortType () ==
CommPortIdentifier.PORT - SERIAL) {
fNumSerialPorts -- ++;
fSerialTable -- .put (port - id.getName (), port - id);
} // getPorts
When the user selects a serial port from the menu, the actionPerformed()
method is invoked. The following code shows the actions taken to open the port:
...The actionPerformed() method in the class
SerialToJavelin ...
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
... tests for other commands...
// Scan the serial ports names to look for a match
// to the menu items.
Enumeration enum - ports = fSerialTable -- .keys ();
while (enum - ports.hasMoreElements ()) {
String port - name = (String)enum - ports.nextElement ();
if (command.equals (port - name)) {
fSelectedPortID -- =
(CommPortIdentifier) fSerialTable -- .get
(port - name);
if (fCurrentPort -- != null) fCurrentPort -- .close ();
// Open port. Allow for 20 seconds block.
try {
fCurrentPort -- =
(SerialPort) fSelectedPortID -- .open (
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