Java Reference
In-Depth Information
We place the source code for these two methods in a file called NativeHel-
loWorld.cpp in our src/javatech/jni22 directory.
22.3.5 Compile the native implementation
Recall that we instructed javah to direct its output to the build/headers
directory. Therefore we must arrange the C/C
compiler command line argu-
ments to specify our build/headers directory as a compiler include directory.
Unfortunately, since C is not platform portable, compiling instructions are dif-
ferent for different platforms. We begin with a Windows example, since most
readers probably have access to a Windows system.
We assume that Microsoft Visual C
is installed on the user's Windows
machine. There are, however, other alternatives, including the excellent and free
CYGWIN library (see [4]) which includes the GNU C
compiler as well as
many other Unix-like tools.
First, we must enable command-line usage of the C/C
compiler by
running the vcvars32.bat script. In a standard Visual C
that script appears in C: \ program files \ microsoft visual studio \
vc98 \ bin \ vcvars32.bat . The command line compiler tool is cl .
When compiling, we must specify the location of the needed include files. The
cl tool uses /I < dir > (or -I < dir > )tospecify directories to add to the include
file search path. There are three such include files - the header file generated
by javah , the jni.h file that is included by the generated header file, and a
machine-dependent header file that is included by jni.h .
We already know that the generated header file is in the build/headers
directory (known as build \ headers , with a backslash, on Windows).
The jni.h file appears, on Windows, in %JAVA - HOME% \ include where
JAVA - HOME is the Java 2 SDK installation directory. The machine-dependent file
appears in %JAVA - HOME% \ include \ win32 .Soour command line to compile
the implementation source becomes
cl -c -Ibuild\headers -I%JAVA - HOME%\include I%JAVA - HOME%\
include\win32 -Fobuild\objs\NativeHelloWorld.obj
We have used the -c switch to specify compile-only and -Fo < file > to name
the output directory and file name of the compiled . obj file. Notice that we
have continued the pattern of placing compiled output in the build directory by
placing the . obj file into a build \ objs directory. That way, it is easy to clean
up all generated and compiled output simply by deleting the build directory. For
this choice to work, we must create the build \ objs directory before running
the above command. (Although the line above is shown as three lines to fit on
the page, it must be entered as all one line in a Windows command shell or batch
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