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where test indicates a boolean expression. If test evaluates to true , then
statement is executed.
Similarly, the conditional if-else statement evaluates a boolean expres-
sion to decide which of two statements to evaluate, as in
if (test)
The statement(s) to evaluate can consist of single, one-line statements or of code
blocks of multiple statements enclosed in braces.
A sequence of conditions can be tested with multiple if tests, as in
if (test1)
else if (test2)
else if (test3)
2.9.3 Flow control statements
Several types of statements affect the flow or sequence of processing such as
repeating a section of code or jumping over a section of code. Such flow control
statements are essential tools for any type of programming. The following loop
statements repeat the processing of a statement or code block for a number of
times as set by a logic test. The for loop
The for loop goes as follows:
for (start; test; action) statement;
Here statement repeatedly executes until the expression test returns false .
The loop begins with an evaluation of the start and test expressions and, after
each loop, the action expression is evaluated before test is evaluated again.
A typical example goes as
for (int i=0; i < 10; i++) j = i*j;
This begins with the declaration of the integer i initialized to 0 followed by the
evaluation of the test i < 10 . Since the variable i is less than 10, the evaluation of
the j = i*j statement proceeds. The processing “loops back” and evaluates
the i++ expression and then the test is evaluated again. The looping continues
until the test expression returns false .
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