Java Reference
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a minor complication when any item in the parameter list or the return value is
itself a remote object. In that case, the parameter or return value must be referred
to using its corresponding remote interface rather than the implementation
The java.rmi.Remote interface declares no methods; it is simply a marker,
or tagging, interface like .
A code snippet that gives an example of a remote interface is:
import java.rmi.Remote;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;
public interface RMIExampleInterface extends Remote {
public void method1 (String s) throws RemoteException;
public int add (int a, int b) throws RemoteException;
The exception java.rmi.RemoteException ,orone of its several sub-
classes, is thrown back to the calling method whenever a remote method invo-
cation fails for some reason. Some reasons for remote method invocation failure
server is down (or unreachable, which can mean the network is down)
failure during marshalling or unmarshalling of parameters or return value
protocol errors
RemoteException is a checked exception - i.e. the caller must handle it. That
requirement is one difference in remote method calls compared to local calls -
all remote calls must appear within a try-catch block to respond to the possibility
of a RemoteException .
Yo umay also want to declare some application-specific exceptions as
well for handling exception conditions within the server code - such as
input parameters outside the expected range. Such application-specific excep-
tions should not extend java.rmi.RemoteException ,which is intended
for communications-related failures outside the control of the developer.
Application-specific exceptions should be created just like normal non-remote
exceptions - by extending java.lang.Exception . The remote implementation class
Now let's consider the server-side implementation of the remote interface defined
above. The implementation class must, of course, implement the remote inter-
face. An additional requirement is that it must extend java.rmi.server.
RemoteObject .Inorder to be remotely callable, the implementation class
must make a runtime notification to the RMI system that the implementa-
tion is available to accept incoming requests. This runtime notification pro-
cess is known as exporting .Inmost cases, including all cases of interest here,
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