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... Continue in run() method in Worker ...
// Now read the file from the disk and write it to
// the output stream to the client.
try {
// Open a stream to the file.
FileInputStream file - in =
new FileInputStream (file - name);
// Send the header.
pw - client - out.print ("HTTP/1.0 200 OK \ r \ n");
File file = new File (file - name);
Date date = new Date (file.lastModified ());
pw - client - out.print ( " Date: " + date + " \ r \ n " );
pw - client - out.print ( " Server: MicroServer 1.0 \ r \ n " );
pw - client - out.print ( " Content-length: " +
file - in.available () + " \ r \ n " );
pw - client - out.print ( " Content-type: " +
content - type + " \ r \ n \ r \ n " );
// Create a byte array to hold the file.
byte [] data = new byte [file - in.available ()];
file - (data); // Read file into byte array
client - out.write (data);// Write it to client stream
client - out.flush ();
// Flush output buffer
file - in.close ();
// Close file input stream
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// If no such file, then send the famous 404
message. pw - client - out.println ("404 Object Not
} else {
pw - client - out.println ("400 Bad Request");
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println ( " I/O error " + e);
// Close client socket.
try {
fClient.close ();
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println ("I/O error " + e);
// On return from run () the thread process dies.
} // run
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