Java Reference
In-Depth Information
System.exit (0);
} // actionPerformed
/** Display the println string on the text area **/
public void println (String str) {
fTextArea.append (str + " \ n");
} // println
/** Display the print string on the text area **/
public void print (String str) {
fTextArea.append (str);
} // print
/** Create the frame and add the applet to it **/
public static void main (String[] args) {
int frame - width = 200;
int frame - height = 300;
// Create ReadFileViaURL object and add to the frame.
ReadFileViaURL applet = new ReadFileViaURL ();
applet.fInBrowser = false;
applet.init ();
// Create frame and then set its exit mode.
JFrame f = new JFrame ("Read file from URL Demo");
f.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT - ON - CLOSE);
// Add applet to the frame
f.getContentPane ().add (applet);
f.setSize (new Dimension (frame - width, frame - height));
f.setVisible (true);
} // main
} // class ReadFileViaURL
13.6 InetAddress
The class represents IP addresses. It works with
either a string host name such as or a numerical IP address such
as . The InetAddress class has a number of useful methods
for dealing with host names and IP addresses. The demonstration programs below
illustrate some of the capabilities of the InetAddress class [2].
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