Java Reference
In-Depth Information
and other capabilities. In Parts II and III you will learn how to use Java for network
programming, distributing computing, running native code, and other tasks.
For most of the topics that we discussed in this topic, we only had room to
present those essential elements of a class, or package of classes, that would
allow you to begin using it in your programs. Most of these classes contain lots of
other methods with which you should become familiar besides the ones we talked
about here. Furthermore, with the ever-expanding capabilities of Java there will
always be new tools, classes, APIs, and new versions of the language appearing
on the scene (like J2SE 5.0). It is now common to find several topics available that
focus only on some narrow aspect of the language. Rather than trying to master
all of Java from the start, which really is no longer feasible, more likely you will
seek out information on particular concepts and classes as you need them for a
particular programming task.
As we have often suggested, you should always go first to the Java API Spec-
ification to examine the description of a class or a particular method with which
you are unfamiliar. If that doesn't suffice, then check for tutorials and articles on
the web such as those on the site. In addition to the
supplements on our Web Course, we provide an extensive set of web resource
links. For major topics like Swing graphics, you will want to invest in some
specialized topics.
12.10 Web Course materials
The Chapter 12 Web Course: Supplements section gives a brief introduction to
Java Beans and some other APIs such as the Media Framework and Java Audio. It
also looks at the Web Start system for distributing Java applications. We include
more information about performance issues and benchmarking and include links
to a number of useful web pages.
The Te ch section gives more examples of technical applications with Java
such as pattern recognition tasks. The Physics section looks at developing a set
of experiment analysis tools with Java.
[1] Lesson: Printing in 2D Graphics - The Java Tutorial, Sun Microsystems, .
[2] Playing Sounds - The Java Tutorial , Sun Microsystems,
docs/books/tutorial/sound/playing.html .
[3] Java Sound Programmer's Guide , Sun Microsystems, 2002,
j2se/1.4/docs/guide/sound/programmer - guide/ .
[4] Java Sound API, .
[5] Java Media Framework API,
jmf/ .
[6] Jack Schirazi, Java Performance Tuning , 2nd edition, O'Reilly, 2003.
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