Java Reference
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// If no color model passed, use the same as in source
if (dest - color - model == null)
dest - color - model = source - img.getColorModel ();
int width = source - img.getWidth ();
int height= source - img.getHeight ();
// Create a new image with this color model & raster.
// Check if the color components are already
// multiplied by the alpha factor.
return new BufferedImage (
dest - color - model,
dest - color - model.createCompatibleWritableRaster
dest - color - model.isAlphaPremultiplied (),
} // createCompatibleDestImage
/** Use the source image for the destination bounds
*size. **/
public final Rectangle2D getBounds2D (BufferedImage
source - img) {
return source - img.getRaster ().getBounds ();
/** Point in source corresponds to same point in
*destination. **/
public final Point2D getPoint2D (Point2D source - point,
Point2D dest - point) {
if (dest - point == null) dest - point =
new Point2D.Float ();
dest - point.setLocation (source - point.getX (),
source - point.getY ());
return dest - point;
/** This filter doesn't provide any rendering hints. **/
public final RenderingHints getRenderingHints () {
return null;
} // class RotateOp
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