Java Reference
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add ( " one " , makeButton ( " one " ));
add ( " two " , makeButton ( " two " ));
add (" three " , makeButton ( " three " ));
} // ctor
/** Create a JButton here and add this object
*toits action listeners list.
JButton makeButton (String name) {
JButton b = new JButton (name);
b.addActionListener (this);
return b;
/** Flip to the next card when a button pushed. **/
public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) { (this);
} // class CardPanel
Clicking on one of the buttons leads to the invocation of the next() method in
the CardLayout . This will display the next card in the stack, which circles back
to the beginning when the last card is reached. The cards are stacked according
to the order they are added.
The JTabbedPane is a component rather than a layout manager but it pro-
vides an alternative to CardLayout for overlaying a set of components. It pro-
vides a set of tabbed pages in which each page can hold a component. Selecting
the tab for a particular page will bring that page to the top. Using a container such
as JPanel can, of course, hold many sub-components for a page. Figure 7.11(b)
shows the interface created by the following program that uses a JTabbedPane
public class TabbedApplet extends JApplet
public void init() {
Container contentPane = getContentPane ();
// Create an instance of the JTabbedPane subclass
Tabs tabs = new Tabs (this);
// Add the Tabs object to the applet's panel.
contentPane.add (tabs);
} // init
} // class TabbedApplet
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