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public class UiTestApplet extends JApplet
/** Create the GUI with OutputPanel and ControlPanel. **/
public void init () {
Container content - pane = getContentPane ();
// Create an instance of OutputPanel
OutputPanel output - panel = new OutputPanel ();
// Find out from the applet tag which of the four
// panels to use. Each panel demonstrates a different
// type of control component.
String panel - choice = getParameter ( " Choose Panel " );
JPanel control - panel;
// Create an instance of the control panel
if (panel - choice.equals ( " Checkboxes " ))
control - panel = new CheckBoxesPanel (output - panel);
else if (panel - choice.equals ( " Radiobuttons " ))
control - panel = new RadioButtonsPanel (output - panel);
else if (panel - choice.equals ( " List " ))
control - panel = new ListPanel (output - panel);
control - panel = new SliderPanel (output - panel);
// Add the panels to applet's pane.
content - pane.add (output - panel, BorderLayout.CENTER);
content - pane.add (control - panel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
} // init
} // class UiTestApplet
Here is the code listing for OutputPanel ,whose job is just to display the color
currently selected by the user:
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
/** Create a JPanel subclass called OutputPanel.
*Itprovides a method to set its color plus
*apaintComponent method. **/
public class OutputPanel extends JPanel
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