Java Reference
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AffineTransform at =
AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance (72, 0);
g2.transform (at);
// Create a rotation transform of 30 degrees CCW around
// the top left corner of the rectangle.
AffineTransform atx =
AffineTransform.getRotateInstance ( Math.PI/6, 30, 20);
// Take the shape object and create a rotated version
Shape atShape = atx.createTransformedShape (shape1);
g2.draw (atShape);
// Another 72 unit shift.
g2.transform (at);
// Create a scaling transform
atx = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance (1.5, 1.5);
// Take the shape object and create a scaled version
atShape = atx.createTransformedShape (shape1);
g2.draw (atShape);
// Another 72 unit shift.
g2.transform (at);
// Create a shear transform
atx = AffineTransform.getShearInstance (0.0, 0.5);
// Take the shape object and create a sheared version
atShape = atx.createTransformedShape (shape1);
g2.draw (atShape);
// Another 72 unit shift.
g2.transform (at);
// Illustrate compound transforms
// First get a transform object
atx = new AffineTransform ();
// Then set to a shear transform
atx.setToShear (0.0, 0.5);
// and then rotate about the current origin
atx.rotate (-Math.PI/5, 40, 50);
// Now apply to the rectangle
atShape = atx.createTransformedShape (shape1);
g2.draw (atShape);
} // paintComponent
} // class TransformPanel
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