Java Reference
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on a Windows platform or
$ java -cp MyApp.jar:MyHelp.jar:MyUtilities.jar MyApp
on a Unix or Linux platform (using the Unix standard directory separator “:”).
5.6.3 The pack200 tool in J2SE 5.0
Release 5.0 of Java includes a new hyper-compression format for JAR files known
as pack200 .Itworks only on JAR files and is able to compress the size as much
as 90% for very dense JAR files. The pack200 format is well-suited for slow
networks and fast computers or for very large JAR files. For example, use of
the pack200 format is estimated to save 12 terabytes per week of downloads
at . The pack200 tool creates a .pack file and the
unpack200 tool unpacks a .pack file into a JAR file. Both tools accept several
options, but here is a quick example of usage:
pack200 - g name.pack name.jar
creates the highly compressed name.pack file from the name.jar file. Con-
unpack200 name.pack name.jar
unpacks the packed file into a JAR file.
5.7 Distributing Java code
The Java design allows for relatively easy sharing and maintenance of code. Java
is a so-called late-binding object language, which means that it does not load class
definitions until they are needed during the execution of the program. So you do
not need to recompile classes that access or subclass any classes that have been
altered and recompiled by their authors, assuming the alterations don't change
the accessible method signatures and fields.
Java classes should normally be distributed in a package and, especially if the
code is large, in a JAR file. As an example of Java code distribution, we can look at
the JDK installation on Windows. It creates a set of directories and subdirectories
like the following:
| | | | |
bin lib | demo |
| jre
| __|__
include | |
bin lib
the c: \ Program
Files \ Java \
directory.) The bin directory contains the set of Java tools, such
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