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The first two components of the inventory help you assess individual and
organizational data literacy and skills. In essence, do you have the people in place
to build a data fluent organization? If your team is lacking the right skills and
talents, you will need to train the team you have or recruit new team members.
The next two components of the inventory look to the broader organization
to assess whether you have the right conditions in place to promote data
fluency among data consumers and authors.
Component 3 of the DFI can help you assess the extent to which your orga-
nization's leadership, culture, policies, and processes support effective data
communication. Chapter 6 underscores the importance of leaders identifying
and communicating a set of key metrics to rally around, and the importance
of developing shared understandings for data usage. Your organization's
performance metrics should be directly aligned with the overall strategy and
mission, and team- and department-level measurement should be similarly
aligned. Organizational policies should help create a shared understanding of
the data being analyzed. Expectations of data fluency should be continually
assessed and reinforced by leaders within an organization.
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