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The Data Fluency
What gets measured gets done!
—Any management expert
The Data Fluency Inventory (DFI) is a tool that assesses your organiza-
tion's ability to effectively communicating with data. In addition to
measuring skills necessary for data fluency, it measures the value
employees place on effective data communication. Ideally, your
organization is measuring what you value most. However, this is
not always the case. We designed the DFI to assist you in aligning
your values, measurement, and actions. Specifically, the DFI will help
you identify those areas and individuals within your organization
that value and demonstrate data fluency, and those that need help.
At the individual level , the DFI measures the competency of data consumers
and data authors . Do employees understand the data presented to them?
Do they possess the skills necessary to create effective data presentations?
At the organizational level, aggregate scores across a team, a business unit,
or an entire organization give leaders insight into where to direct resources
and training to improve data literacy. What percentage of your organization
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