Database Reference
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together, create a fertile environment for data to flow freely. Data products
need an environment that:
Encourages the right data products to be created and shared;
Makes it easy for knowledge workers to find the right information for
their job;
Cleans out the old and irrelevant data products, like a gardener who
diligently weeds.
Creating an ecosystem for data products requires processes and tools.
Processes set standards and ensure that the right priorities and qualities are
built into every data product. Technology tools gather data, visualize the
results, and distribute data products to users. Here are the six conditions
(“the Six Ds” shown in Figure 7-2) that we have found most critical to the data
product ecosystem:
Demand —What are the most important areas that would benefit from the
insights and guidance of better data?
Design —What processes and tools can help ensure effective design of
data products?
Develop —What processes and tools support the efficient production of
data products, including gathering multiple data sources, presenting this
data, providing user customization, and delivering the information to data
Discover —How can you help people discover the many data products in
your organization and find the right information for their individual needs?
Discuss —What capabilities encourage data consumers to take the insights
they find in the data and share these insights with others?
Distill —How do you filter out the irrelevant content and provide feedback
to enhance those data products that remain?
Together, these conditions provide the environment that can allow you to cre-
ate useful, engaging solutions that drive informed actions. The next sections
provide details to help you understand what you can do in your organiza-
tion to create these conditions. Each section describes the conditions, why
it is important to building your data product ecosystem, a vision of the ideal
capabilities to strive for, and a pragmatic view of actions you can take today
to move in the right direction.
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