Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Spring ORM
ORM solutions provide easy persistence of POJO objects in relational databases. The
Spring ORM module is essentially an extension of the DAO module. Just like the
JDBC-based templates, Spring provides ORM templates to work with and integrate most
of the leading ORM products such as Hibernate, OpenJPA, TopLink, iBatis, and others.
I will cover the best practices and patterns involved with Spring DAO and ORM in
Chapter 5.
The JEE module forms the basis for all of the Spring Framework's interaction with various
Java EE technologies such as EJB, JTA, JCA, and JavaMail. As you will read later in this
book, just like Spring DAO, the JEE module provides components to simplify the develop-
ment of and interaction with Java EE technologies such as EJB.
This module helps build highly flexible web applications leveraging the complete bene-
fits of the Spring IOC container. It is based on the MVC architectural pattern and
seamlessly integrates with the Servlet API. Spring MVC supports a pluggable architecture
and works with a multitude of view technologies such as JSP, FreeMarker, Velocity, and
Adobe Flex, to name just a few. If Spring MVC is not the framework of choice, then it is
possible to integrate with existing web frameworks such as Struts, Webwork, and JSF and
still reap the benefits offered by the core Spring Framework, in other words, IOC and DI.
Building a Layered Application with Spring
Now you are familiar with the roles of various Spring modules and have some idea of
their responsibilities. I'll now show how to put these modules together to build a layered
web application with the Spring Framework. Figure 2-2 shows the high-level architecture
of this application.
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