Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Simplified Deployment
There is a simpler way to deploy the OMSWeb project. I assume that you have already
executed the Maven install goal to create the WAR file and have downloaded and
installed Tomcat 5.5. Since I am on Windows, I have installed Tomcat at c:\tomcat5.5 .
Note that you should not download and use the Tomcat Windows Service installer;
instead, choose the simple zipped distribution.
As a first step to this new deployment strategy, you will need to set up the target run-
time (or the server on which the web application will run) for the OMSWeb project. For
this, right-click the OMSWeb project to launch the context menu, and select Properties,
as shown in Figure 7-19.
Figure 7-19. Selecting OMSWeb project properties
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