Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The DataSourceTransactionManager works with a javax . sql . DataSource object. It ensures
that the same Connection object is retrieved from the DataSource and used in a transac-
tion. If the transaction is successful, the commit method is invoked on the Connection
object. If the transaction is a failure, the rollback method will be used. In short, this trans-
action manager delegates the actual transaction processing to the database.
Hibernate Transactions
HibernateTransactionManager can be used to manage transactions if your application uses
Hibernate ORM to manage application persistence. This transaction manager works
with the Hibernate SessionFactory object. It delegates the transaction handling to the
org.hibernate.Transaction object retrieved from the Hibernate Session object. The
commit and rollback methods will be called on this Transaction object depending on suc-
cessful and failed transactions, respectively. The HibernateTransactionManager is wired in
the Spring configuration, as shown in Listing 6-27.
Listing 6-27. transaction-config.xml
<bean id="hibernateTransactionManager" class="org.springframework. å
<property name="sessionFactory
" ref="hibernateSessionFactory
JPA Transactions
The Java Persistence API is the new persistence standard in EJB 3, replacing the
widely disliked entity beans. Spring also supports JPA transactions through the
JpaTransactionManager . This is configured in the Spring application context, as in
Listing 6-28.
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