Biology Reference
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Following ejaculation, buffalo bulls generally dismount slowly and undergo
a sexual refractory period ( Jainudeen and Hafez, 2000 ).
Maternal Behavior in Water Buffalo
Water buffalo tend to calve within the herd ( Tulloch, 1979 ), although they
prefer sites where there is cover and soft bedding. However, no consistent
patterns in calving behavior were discerned in domesticated buffalo when
different pasture and housing systems were compared. In addition, relevant
information comparing maternal behavior between the swamp and river types
appears to be lacking.
Although each livestock species has developed a distinct repertoire of court-
ship, copulatory, and maternal behaviors, significant differences occur within
species and between individuals in the expression of all of these traits. This
permits selection for positive reproductive and maternal behaviors, both of
which are linked with livestock productivity and profitability. Despite this,
indiscriminate artificial selection for maximum productivity has been linked
with adverse reproductive and maternal outcomes. It is considered that
informed selection and management based on good behavioral principles
should lead to greater reproductive “success” and improved animal welfare
within the context of profitable production.
Alexander, G.A., Kilgour, R., Stevens, D., Bradley, L.R., 1984. The effect of experience on twin
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Alexander, G.D., Stevens, D., Kilgour, R., de Langen, H., Mouershead, B.E., Lynch, J.J., 1983.
Separation of ewes from lambs: incidence in several sheep breeds. Appl. Anim. Ethol. 10,
301 317.
Amann, R.P., Almquist, J.O., 1976. Bull management to optimize sperm output. Proceedings
of the Sixth NAAB Technical Conference on Artificial Insemination and Reproduction.
pp. 1 10.
At-Taras, E.E., Spahr, S.L., 2001. Detection and characterization of estrus in dairy cattle with an
electronic heatmount detector and an electronic activity tag. J. Dairy Sci. 84 (4), 792 798.
Aurich, C., 2011. Reproductive cycles of horses. Anim. Repro. Sci. 124, 220 238.
Avery, M.L., Cummings, J.L., 2004. Livestock depredation by black vultures and golden eagles.
Sheep Goat Res. J. 19, 58 63.
Baker, A.E., Seidel, G.E., 1985. Why do cows mount other cows? Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci. 13,
237 241.
Bane, A., 1954. Studies on monozygous cattle twins. XV. Sexual functions of bulls in relation to
rearing intensity and somatic conditions. Acta. Agric. Scand. 4, 95
Bangs, E.E., Fritts, S.H., 1996. Reintroducing the gray wolf to Central Idaho and Yellowstone
National Park. Wildl. Soc. Bull. 24 (3), 402 413.
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