Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
3. Launching and uprighting activities;
4. Submergence activities;
5. Pile or anchor installations;
6. Installation of mooring and tethering systems;
7. Final deck and component installations; and
8. Installation at the approved location according to the Facility Design
Report and the Fabrication and Installation Report.
b. For a fixed or floating facility, the CVA or project engineer must ver-
ify that proper procedures were used during the following:
1. The loadout of the jacket, decks, piles, or structures from each fab-
rication site; and
2. The actual installation of the facility or major modification and the
related installation activities.
c. For a floating facility, the CVA or project engineer must verify that
proper procedures were used during the following:
1. The loadout of the facility;
2. The installation of foundation pilings and templates, and anchor-
ing systems; and
3. The installation of the mooring and tethering systems.
d. The CVA or project engineer must conduct an onsite survey of the
facility after transportation to the approved location.
e. The CVA or project engineer must spot-check the equipment, proce-
dures, and recordkeeping as necessary to determine compliance with
the applicable documents incorporated by reference and the regula-
tions under this part.
§ 285.711
§ 285.712 What are the CVA's or project engineer's reporting
a. The CVA or project engineer must prepare and submit to you and
MMS all reports required by this subpart. The CVA or project engi-
neer must also submit interim reports to you and MMS, as requested
by the MMS.
b. For each report required by this subpart, the CVA or project engineer
must submit one electronic copy and one paper copy of each final
report to MMS. In each report, the CVA or project engineer must
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