Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Text of Pertinent Regulations
This appendix contains the pertinent text of regulations from 30 CFR
250 and 30 CFR 285 cited in the body of the report. Only the regulations
concerning certified verification agents (CVAs) are included.
Below are excerpts from 30 CFR Part 250, “Oil and Gas and Sulphur
Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf.”
§ 250.916 What are the CVA's primary duties during the design phase?
a. The CVA must use good engineering judgment and practices in con-
ducting an independent assessment of the design of the platform, major
modification, or repair. The CVA must ensure that the platform, major
modification, or repair is designed to withstand the environmental and
functional load conditions appropriate for the intended service life at
the proposed location.
b. Primary duties of the CVA during the design phase include the fol-
lowing: [Table 1].
c. The CVA must submit interim reports and a final report to the Regional
Supervisor, and to you, during the design phase in accordance with the
approved schedule required by §250.911(d). In each interim and final
report the CVA must
1. Provide a summary of the material reviewed and the CVA's findings;
2. In the final CVA report, make a recommendation that the Regional
Supervisor either accept, request modifications, or reject the pro-
posed design unless such a recommendation has been previously
made in an interim report;
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