Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
4. The CVA program defined in 30 CFR 250 may be used as a model for
offshore wind projects.
5. The regulations of 30 CFR 285 provide a good definition of the role of
a CVA.
1. The responsibility for proposing a comprehensive set of national and
international standards, rules, industry guidelines, and recommended
practices (referred to here as a “package of Guidelines”), and the
underlying documentation and analysis, should rest with the devel-
opers. The CVA's role should be to review and comment on the ade-
quacy of the proposed package of Guidelines in meeting the goals and
objectives defined in the BOEMRE goal-based standards. Although
BOEMRE should consider the documentation and analysis provided
by the developer and the report of the CVA, responsibility for approval
of the proposed package of Guidelines and for determination of their
conformance with the goal-based standards should rest solely with the
2. The scope of the BOEMRE-mandated third-party review process
should include
a. Blades,
b. Blade controls (if reliance on active controls is required for load
c. Tower and structural support,
d. Foundation and station keeping,
e. Infield cables and connectors,
f. Other structural and electrical systems, and
g. Export cables.
The third-party review should ensure the following:
a. Design: The design adheres to good industry practice, the basis of
the design is appropriate for the location and stated objectives of the
project, site-specific conditions have been appropriately addressed,
and the identified codes and standards are adhered to.
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