Agriculture Reference
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landscapes. The following scenarios and fundamental components of learning systems are
presented in the hope of stimulating discussion and encouraging others to ask the 'what if '
question with respect to possible learning approaches and their impacts on future graduates.
New models for experiential learning
Most of the thinking about future learning models is based on experience within the current
system and university organisation. New courses have been suggested, curricula modified, and
enrichment activities set up on the farm and in the community while clinging to the conven-
tional system of credit points, class schedules in well-defined semesters and a time expected
from the start of study to graduation. This constrained thinking is probably a reasonable
approach to selling the study of organic farming within the existing agricultural universities
and faculties, because models that are too far removed from current reality would be seen as
completely unacceptable. But in designing new models, should we not ask such questions as to
how and why courses should be organised into semesters, when the growing cycles of crops
and seasonal care of animals is more closely related to the annual climatic cycles in each place?
Is it more effective to study three to five subjects simultaneously during each semester, or
should we adopt a modular system of full time study of a series of topics that are arranged in
logical sequence? Or are some topics such as a foreign language best learned with full-time
immersion while others need time for ref lection and practice between sessions and thus are
best learned in the current system of courses? What is the relative weight that should be placed
on basic humanities and sciences versus the practical study of real-world applications of this
knowledge? Shall we, as natural scientists, take the research from pedagogy seriously and make
explicit applications of this body of knowledge, or shall we continue to use our own working
hypotheses and experience in course design? How do we build on the current knowledge and
skills of each individual student as they enter the educational environment rather than setting
up rigid requirements that all must complete - as if there were no individual differences in
preparation? How do we organise ourselves and our teaching to optimise scarce resources,
perhaps in a university structure similar to that shown in Figure 16.1? How do we assess success
in learning? These are all questions we should ask if we are serious about designing structures
that can promote experiential learning.
Just-in-time education
Should chemistry be taught in the first year of university? To begin the argument, most uni-
versity-level students today have already studied the elements of chemistry in at least one
course in the secondary school, and therefore have a basic understanding of chemical reactions
and the elements that make up the complex physical world. It is assumed that it is so important
to keep building on this knowledge of chemistry, even though many students appear to not
understand why such study is important. It has been observed at SLU in Sweden that many
students delay taking the chemistry course until their final year, perhaps because only then
can they appreciate its importance or because it is the final requirement for graduation. It is
asked, why not build the relevance and an appropriate context for each subject such as chemis-
try so that students arriving to the class are highly motivated to learn, because they have
already seen where this can be applied and realise that they need the knowledge about to be
acquired? This could be called 'just-in-time education' and a more elaborate discussion is
provided in Salomonsson et al . (2005).
Expanding the learning community and enironment
Many kinds of information are needed by students as they build their personal libraries of
skills, facts and experiences. Some of these can be found in university classes and many come
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