Agriculture Reference
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Pulleman, M., Jongmans A., Marinissen, J. and Bouma, J. (2003). Effects of organic versus
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loam in the Netherlands. Soil Use and Management 19: 157-165.
Rasmussen, I.A., Askegaard, M. and Olesen, J.E. (1999). Weed control in organic crop rota-
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Schmidt, H., Philipps, L., Welsh, J.P. and von Fragstein, P. 1999. Legume breaks in stockless
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Biological Agriculture and Horticulture 17: 159-170.
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Ecosystems and Environment 69: 253-264.
Stolze, M., Piorr, A., Häring, A. and Dabbert, S. (eds) 2000. The Environmental impacts of
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Stopes, C., Millington, S. and Woodward, L. 1996. Dry matter and nitrogen accumulation by
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van Bruggen, A.H.C. and Termorshuizen, A.J. 2003. Integrated approaches to root disease
management in organic farming systems. Australasian Plant Pathology 32: 141-156.
van der Weerden, T.J., Sherlock, R.R., Williams, P.H. and Cameron, K.C. 2000. Effect of three
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Zanin, G., Otto, S., Riello, L. and Borin, M. 1997. Ecological interpretation of weed flora
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