Agriculture Reference
In-Depth Information
Assessment in
field trials
Screening and
selection of
current varieties
Propagation of
selected varieties
Screening &
propagation of
existing varieties
Crop ideotype/
selection criteria
Maintenance and
Crop ideotype/
selection criteria
Breeding of
new varieties
Conservation of
genetic resources
Crossing and
Figure 5.1
A flow chart of organic plant breeding and propagation.
To arrive at varieties and seeds produced in accordance with the needs and principles of
organic agriculture the whole plant breeding and propagation chain will need additional
research efforts and practical steps (Figure 5.1). It involves both defining crop ideotypes, and
screening and selection of existing varieties for propagation, and in situ conservation of genetic
resources, developing crop ideotypes and selection criteria for breeding programs, including
registration and maintenance activities.
As the development of each new variety takes at least ten years and a lot of resources, the
development towards varieties adapted to organic farming conditions will have to be taken in
steps (Table 5.1).
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