Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
Foreign boats may remain in Australia for up to three years before facing importation.
Once a boat is listed for sale, however, a so-called Restriction to Port comes into effect.
This means that you're limited to local cruising once your boat is imported. Keep this in
mind when choosing a location. I originally entertained the fantasy that we could continue
cruising Australia to our heart's content until a buyer appeared. Our broker dissuaded me,
explaining that it is much more difficult to sell a roving boat than one with a fixed loca-
tion. This proved true, as many buyers ask to see boats on short notice.
Most of us awaiting a sale in Australia opened a local bank account, both for ease of daily
transactions and for the eventual sale. Don't delay in opening a bank account because a
strange regulation prevents foreigners from opening an account more than six weeks after
their arrival.
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