Travel Reference
In-Depth Information
12. Australia
The Pot of Gold at the End of the Rainbow: Sailing Sydney
Fact File: Sydney
Going With the Flow: Navigating the East Australia Current
Coastal Cruising Meets Passagemaking: Along the East Australian Coast
Sail to Sell Down Under
Selling Your Boat: Practical Considerations for the Return Home
For many sailors, Australia is more of a practical place for a layover than a place to cruise.
For some, it's just a convenient pit-stop before heading on to Indonesia, Asia, or the Indian
Ocean. For others, it's the end of the line - including crews like us, who concentrate their
sailing time in the Pacific and then sell the boat Down Under.
But what about actually sailing in Australia, just for the sake of it? What we discovered
was a mixed bag. Sailing the east coast of Australia is a lot like visiting the Outback: you'll
find a couple of attractive hot spots separated by long stretches of open country - or in this
case, challenging coastal passages that will keep you on your toes. But just like the Out-
back, the exceptions make the journey more than worthwhile.
This section covers both the exploration and the business sides of sailing in Australia, with
chapters describing stunning Sydney and its multi-faceted neighbor, Pittwater. Then we
zoom the focus out to cover a coastal passage to Brisbane and the island-hopping route up
the Queensland coast to Cairns and the Great Barrier Reef. Last but not least, we provider a
primer on selling a boat in Australia for the sad day when it's time to part ways with your
floating home - a process that's not as complicated as the coconut grapevine sometimes
makes it out to be.
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