Travel Reference
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Great Hikes
After twenty-eight days at sea, we worried that our legs might not be up to exploring the
Marquesas afoot. As Jack London wrote, “Two months at sea, bare-footed all the time,
without space in which to exercise one's limbs, is not the best preliminary to leather shoes
and walking.” We made do with light sandals and found that the stunning scenery always
kept us inspired.
A perfect introductory hike is the short (thirty to forty minutes one way) hike to the water-
fall behind Hanavave on Fatu Hiva (map, #1). It's a gorgeous, sunny spot where you can
swim beneath the refreshingly cool waterfall. One of the sensory highlights in the Marque-
sas is resting on the rocks of the creek, shifting with the shade throughout the day and
catching a different watery tune each time: the constant hum of the cascade, the high
babble of closely-spaced rocks, or the low-pitched gurgle of broader gaps between large
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