Environmental Engineering Reference
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Fig. 2.1. The inverse susceptibility, in atomic units, in Tm above T N .
The full lines depict the results of a mean-field calculation and the dashed
lines are extrapolations of the high-temperature limit. Experimental val-
ues are also shown. The MF theory predicts a deviation from the high-
temperature expression as the ordering temperature is approached from
above, because of crystal-field anisotropy effects.
ments are the bulk values at zero wave-vector. The straight lines found
at high temperatures for the inverse-susceptibility components 1 αα ( 0 )
versus temperature may be extrapolated to lower values, as illustrated in
Fig. 2.1. The values at which these lines cross the temperature axis are
the paramagnetic Curie temperatures θ
, determined respectively
when the field is parallel and perpendicular to the c -axis ( ζ -axis). The
high-temperature expansion then predicts these temperatures to be
and θ
= 3
)( J + 2
) B 2 ,
k B θ
J ( J +1)
( 0 )
( J
(2 . 1 . 15 a )
= 3
( 0 )+ 5
)( J + 2
) B 2 .
k B θ
J ( J +1)
( J
(2 . 1 . 15 b )
Hence the paramagnetic Curie temperatures are determined by the
lowest-rank interactions in the Hamiltonian, i.e. those terms for which
l + l = 2. The difference between the two temperatures depends only on
B 2 , because of the assumption that the two-ion coupling is an isotropic
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