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tions are thereby increased, while the dispersion becomes smaller. If
the field is applied along the ξ -axis, the ξ -mode parameters are changed
approximately twice as much, relative to their zero-field values, as the
η -mode parameters. At H =43 . 5 kOe, the total molecular field, which
determines the energies in Fig. 7.12, is 100 kOe, and ∆ ξ =4 . 29 meV,
whereas ∆ η =3 . 86 meV. This means that the field produces the largest
effects on the excitations polarized (predominantly) parallel to it, which
in Fig. 7.14 are the transverse modes, both when q is along ΓM and
along ΓKM. The γ -strain coupling opposes the splitting of the trans-
verse and longitudinal modes, but only quadratically in the field. The
hexagonal anisotropy does not affect the effective ( J = 1)-excitations in
zero field, but B 6
causes a splitting between the
3 s > and
3 a > -states
of nearly 5 meV. As B 6
3 s >
which, according to Fig. 1.16 or 7.12, should lie only 0.9 meV above
is negative, the lower of the two states is
1 s,a > -states. The magnetic field induces a coupling between this
neighbouring level and the doublet excitations, so that it acquires a sig-
nificant scattering cross-section at the energies indicated by the dashed
lines in Fig. 7.14. Although the extra peak was not suciently distinct
to be detected directly in the neutron-scattering experiments, the pres-
ence of this level is clearly manifested in the behaviour of the doublet
excitations. The absolute minimum in the excitation spectrum at zero
field is found along ΓM, whereas at H =43 . 5 kOe the energy minimum
in the ΓK-direction has become the lowest. The
3 s > -excitations are
coupled to the doublet excitations polarized along the ξ -axis, both when
the field is along the ξ -andthe η -axis. This means that the energy
increase of the longitudinal (optical) mode in the ΓK-direction is dimin-
ished, due to the repulsive effect of the field-induced coupling to the
3 s > -excitations. When the field is along the ξ -direction, the longitu-
dinal modes in the ΓM-direction are coupled to the
3 a > -excitations,
which lie at much higher energies and only perturb the lower modes very
weakly. The basal-plane anisotropy is also clearly reflected in the field
dependence of the elastic constant c 66 , shown in Fig. 7.5.
The effects of the field on the hexagonal doublet-excitations are
very strong. In comparison with the zero-field result of Fig. 7.1, the
minimum-energy modes have more than doubled their energies, while
the overall width of the excitation bands has been reduced by nearly
a factor of two. Because of these large changes, the measurement of
the field dependence of the excitation spectrum allowed a rather precise
determination of ∆ and the relative position of the
3 s > crystal-field
level. With the assumption that B 6
(77 / 8) B 6 , these results then
led to the crystal-field level-scheme for the hexagonal ions shown in
Figs. 1.16 and 7.12, leaving only the position of the highest-lying level
somewhat arbitrary. The field experiment also determined the value of
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