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1 a > = |
1 > / 2 i , the only non-zero matrix elements of
+1 >
1 a > = J ( J +1) / 2,
plus their Hermitian conjugates. In Pr, the matrix element of J ζ is a
J are < 1 a |
J ζ |
1 s > = i and < 0
J ξ |
1 s > = < 0
J η |
factor of 10 smaller than the other matrix elements. This means that
the transformation of the ( J = 4) ion of Pr to an effective J =1system
introduces a scaling of the two-ion couplings
J ξξ ( q )and
J ηη ( q )bya
factor of 10, compared to
J ζζ ( q ), and the latter may therefore be ne-
glected to a first approximation. Hence the ( J =1) XY -model is an
appropriate low-temperature description of the hexagonal ions in Pr.
The RPA theory of the XY -model, in the singlet-doublet case, is
nearly identical to that developed above for the Ising model in a trans-
verse field. One difference is that n 0 + n 1 + n 2 = n 0 +2 n 1 =1,instead
of n 0 + n 1 = 1, but since this condition has not been used explicitly (the
population of any additional higher-lying levels is neglected), it may be
considered as accounted for. The other modification of the above results
is that there are now two components of χ ( q ) which are important:
χ xx ( ω )= χ yy ( ω ) are given by the same expression as χ αα ( ω )ineqn
(7.1.3) (with M α =1when J = 1), whereas χ xy ( ω )
0 (the ( xyz )-axes
are assumed to coincide with the ( ξηζ )-axes). This means that, for a
Bravais lattice, there are two poles at positive energies in the RPA sus-
ceptibility (7.1.2) at each q -vector. As long as
J xy ( q ) = 0, one of the
modes describes a time variation of J x alone, and the other J y alone,
and their dispersion relations are both given by eqn (7 . 1 . 4 b ), with α set
equal to x or y . It is interesting to compare this result with the spin-
wave case. Although the magnetic response is there also determined by
2 matrix equation, it only leads to one (spin-wave) pole at posi-
tive energies, independently of whether the two-ion coupling is isotropic.
The cancellation of one of the poles is due to the specific properties of
χ xy ( ω ) in (5.1.3), produced by the molecular field (or the broken time-
reversal symmetry) in the ordered phase. In the case considered above,
the two modes may of course be degenerate, but only if
J xx ( q )isequal
J yy ( q ). In an hcp system, such a degeneracy is bound to occur, by
symmetry, if q is parallel to the c -axis. If the degeneracy is lifted by
anisotropic two-ion couplings, which is possible in any other direction in
q -space, the x -and y -modes mix unless q is parallel to a b -axis. The va-
lidity of the results derived above is not restricted to the situation where
the doublet lies above the singlet. If the XY -model is taken literally,
all the results apply equally well if ∆, and hence also n 01 , is negative.
However, if the z -components are coupled to some extent, as in Pr, the
importance of this interaction is much reduced at low temperature if ∆
is positive. In this case the zz -response, which is purely elastic,
χ zz ( ω )=2 βn 1 δ ω 0
χ zz ( q )
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