Environmental Engineering Reference
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contributions of the d -like band electrons, as is the density of states
at the Fermi surface. Although the effective free-electron model is not
adequate for determining the exchange interaction, other quantities de-
rived above which depend on real scattering processes close to the Fermi
surface (i.e. the contributions to the spin-wave linewidths, the mass en-
hancement, and the resistivity), may be more trustworthy, particularly
if the actual density of states of the band electrons is substituted for
the free-electron value. This should especially be true for the linewidth
and mass-enhancement, but the strong polarization effect (5.7.60) on
the resistivity in the ferromagnetic phase, for which the maximum effect
occurs in Gd, with ζ ( T ) approaching
0 . 5 in the zero temperature limit
(Fulde and Jensen 1983), may be somewhat exaggerated, because the
conductivity is strongly influenced by the sp -band electrons.
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