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where the H appearing in A 0 ( T ) in (5.2.37) or (5.3.22) is the internal
field H I ,and
A 0 ( T )+ B 0 ( T )= A 0 ( T )+ B 0 ( T )+ B M D ξξ ( 0 ) L D ζζ ( 0 ) L .
(5 . 5 . 11 b )
In comparison with the other anisotropy terms, the lattice-sum contribu-
tion to A 0 ( T )+ B 0 ( T ) is very small (except in Gd) and may be neglected.
Equation (5.5.11) demonstrates that the energy gap at q = 0 depends
on the shape of the sample, as was first pointed out by Kittel (1948).
The same is the case with all other spin-wave modes in the magneto-
static region q
10 /L , which are the observable states in ferromagnetic
resonance experiments. In a neutron-scattering experiment, the volume
in reciprocal space enclosed by the resolution function is normally sev-
eral orders of magnitude larger than the volume of the magnetostatic
region. The spin-waves in the long-wavelength limit, detected by inelas-
tic neutron-scattering, therefore emanate from the much larger region
where q
10 /L , but is still much smaller than 2 π/a ,sothatanytwo-ion
coupling, except for the dipole coupling, is the same as that at q = 0 .
The spin-wave energies in this regime are determined by eqn (5.5.10),
when the dipole-coupling tensor in (5.5.7) is transformed to the ( ξηζ )-
coordinate system, and are
E T ( q 0 )= E T ( 0 )+4 πgµ B M {
cos 2 θ q
A 0 ( T )
B 0 ( T )
sin 2 θ q sin 2 φ q ,
A 0 ( T )+ B 0 ( T )
(5 . 5 . 12 a )
where ( θ q q ) are the polar angles of q with respect to the c -axis or
ζ -axis, and
E T ( 0 )= A 0 ( T )+ B 0 ( T ) A 0 ( T ) − B 0 ( T ) .
(5 . 5 . 12 b )
As long as the magnetization is in the basal-plane, this result is gener-
ally valid if φ q is redefined to be the angle between the magnetization
vector and the projection of q on the basal-plane. E T ( 0 ) is the min-
imum excitation energy, and the corresponding spin waves propagate
parallel to the magnetization vector. If A 0 ( T )+ B 0 ( T ) is significantly
larger than A 0 ( T )
B 0 ( T ) (in Tb it is an order of magnitude greater
at T = 0), the maximum value of E T ( q 0 ) occurs when q lies in the
basal plane perpendicular to the magnetic moments, whereas the spin
waves propagating in the c -direction only have an energy slightly greater
than E T ( 0 ). An inelastic neutron-scattering experiment, with the mean
value of the scattering vector equal to a reciprocal lattice vector, will
sample a whole spectrum of spin waves with energies between the two
extremes. The shape of the scattering peak will be dependent on the
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