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where the parameter Λ γ is given by (5.4.10). The magnetic susceptibil-
ities can be expressed in terms of the Green functions calculated above,
using (5.2.39) and (5.2.40), and we finally arrive at
χ xx ( q )= {
Λ γ ( q ) 2 /
( q ) 2
( ) 2
A q ( T )
B q ( T )
( q )
(5 . 4 . 36 a )
( q ) 2
( ) 2
χ yy ( q )=
A q ( T )+ B q ( T )
( q ) . (5 . 4 . 36 b )
Because ω q
q and E 0 ( T ) > 0, it is possible to satisfy the inequality
E q ( T )
q by choosing a suciently small q . As mentioned ear-
lier, E 0 ( T ) is always greater than zero, if the magnetoelastic coupling is
non-zero, on account of the constant-strain term Λ γ . Under these cir-
cumstances the elementary-excitation energies, determined by the poles
of the susceptibilities or by
( q ) = 0, are found to be
( ) 2 = E q ( T )+4 W q q /E q ( T )
( q ) 2
(5 . 4 . 37)
4 W q q /E q ( T ) ,
to leading order in q /E q ( T ). The different excitations have become
mixed magnetoelastic modes, which mutually repel due to the magneto-
elastic coupling, and their squared energies are shifted up or down by
an equal amount. When E q ( T )
q , the change in energy of the
upper, predominantly magnon-like branch can be neglected, whereas
the frequency of the lower phonon-like mode, as obtained from (5.4.37),
using the relation (5.4.35),
O {
4 ,
Λ γ
ω 2 = ω q
q /E q ( T )
(5 . 4 . 38 a )
A 0 ( T )
B 0 ( T )
may be modified appreciably relative to the unperturbed phonon fre-
quency. This relation implies that the elastic constant, relative to the
unperturbed value, as determined by the velocity of these magneto-
acoustic sound waves, is
c 66
c 66
Λ γ
or J .
(5 . 4 . 38 b )
A 0 ( T )
B 0 ( T )
At q = 0 , the dynamic coupling vanishes identically and the spin-wave
energy gap is still found at = E 0 ( T )=
A 0 ( T )
B 0 ( T )
1 / 2 ,withthe
static-strain contributions included in A 0 ( T )
B 0 ( T ). Due to the van-
ishing of the eigenfrequencies of the elastic waves at zero wave-vector, the
lattice cannot respond to a uniform precession of the magnetic moments
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