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field, rather than the Schrodinger equation, but it may be more instruc-
tive to consider them as perturbations which, to order ( p/mc ) 2 ,augment
the one-electron potential with
p 4
8 m 3 c 2
h 2
4 m 2 c 2
∂r +
2 m 2 c 2 r
dr s · l .
(1 . 2 . 13)
The first term, which is due to the increase of mass with velocity, reduces
the energy of all states by an amount which decreases with l , while the
second 'Darwin' term increases the energy of s states only. These effects
may both be incorporated into the central field, but the last term couples
together the spin and orbital motion in a way that has far-reaching
consequences for the magnetic properties.
Fig. 1.2. The angular variation of
the 4 f wavefunctions. The interac-
tion of the highly anisotropic charge
clouds with the crystalline electric
fields gives rise to the large single-
ion anisotropies observed in the rare
earth metals.
In the Russell-Saunders coupling scheme, which is an accurate pro-
cedure for the 4 f electrons, the spins s i of the individual 4 f electrons
are coupled by the exchange interaction, diagonal in the total spin S
of the incompletely filled subshell, while the Coulomb interaction simi-
larly combines the l i into the total orbital momentum L .Intermsofthe
one-electron functions, the wavefunction for the subshell may be written
Ψ( LSM L M S )=
m l m s
C ( LSM L M S ; m l m s ) ψ ( m l m s ) ,
(1 . 2 . 14)
where the C ( LSM L M S ; m l m s )arethe Clebsch-Gordan or Wigner co-
ecients. It is convenient to write this expansion in a representation-
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