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and, when h y =0,
F φφ
E 0 ( T )
χ xx ( 0 )= 1
( ) 2 ,
(5 . 3 . 12 b )
where the uniform-mode energy is
F θθ F φφ 1 / 2 .
E 0 ( T )=
(5 . 3 . 13)
J z
This result for the uniform mode in an anisotropic ferromagnet was
derived by Smit and Beljers (1955). It may be generalized to an arbitrary
magnetization direction by defining ( θ, φ ) to be in a coordinate system
in which the polar axis is perpendicular to the z -axis (as is the case here),
and by replacing F θθ F φφ by F θθ F φφ
F θφ if F θφ
The introduction of the averaged effective-field in (5.3.8) corre-
sponds to the procedure adopted in the RPA, and a comparison of the
results (5.3.12-13) with the RPA result (5.2.40), at q = 0 and ω =0,
shows that the relations
A 0 ( T )
B 0 ( T )=
F φφ
J z
(5 . 3 . 14)
A 0 ( T )+ B 0 ( T )=
F θθ
J z
must be valid to second order in 1 /J . In this approximation, A 0 ( T )
B 0 ( T ) are directly determined by that part of the time-averaged two-
dimensional potential, experienced by the single moments, which is
quadratic in the components of the moments perpendicular to the mag-
netization axis. The excitation energy of the uniform mode is thus pro-
portional to the geometric mean of the two force constants characterizing
the parabolic part of this potential. Since A 0 ( T )
B 0 ( T ) are parameters
H in (5.3.6), which are
not known, appear only in order 1 /J 3 in (5.3.14), when the magnetiz-
ation is along a high-symmetry direction.
B 2
of order 1 /J , the second-order contributions of
B 0 ( T ), and this is in accordance
with eqn (5.3.14), as Q 2 is independent of φ . Considering instead the
θ -dependence, we find that the contribution to F θθ is determined by
2 Q 2
does not appear in A 0 ( T )
∂θ 2 = 6( J z − J x )cos2 θ − 6( J z J x + J x J z )sin2 θ θ = π/ 2
O 2
O 2
(5 . 3 . 15)
From (5.2.10) and (5.2.11), the thermal average is found to be
=2 J (2) 1
J a + a +
2 J 2
O 2
O 2
a + a + aa
4 J 2 ( a + aaa + a + a + a + a ) ,
2 J (1 +
4 J
)( aa + a + a + )+
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